NAVIGATOR Scale G Marine First Aid Kit Refill

Sale price$163.65


Vessel Class - This scale G Marine first aid kit meets the requirements under the NSCV for the vessel Classes: 1D (with Unberthed passengers) 1E (with Unberthed passengers) 2D 2E 3D and 3E.*   *Note. Scheduled medicines and specialised equipment are not provided but are required a list can be provided upon request.    
Code Description Qty
APD101S AEROPAD Non-Adherent Dressing 10 cm x 10 cm 5
AEP1S AEROPAD Non-Adherent Eye Pad 5.5 cm x 7.7 cm 2
ACD1010S AEROWOUND Combine Dressing 10 cm x 10 cm 3
ACD1020S AEROWOUND Combine Dressing 10 cm x 20 cm 2
AWD13S AEROWOUND Wound Dressing #13 Small BPC 2
AWD15S AEROWOUND Wound Dressing #15 Large BPC 2
AGS753S AEROSWAB Gauze Swabs 7.5 cm x 7.5 cm 3’s 3
ATW25 AEROTAPE Waterproof Adhesive Tape 2.5 cm x 5 m 1
ATW50 AEROTAPE Waterproof Adhesive Tape 5 cm x 5 m 1
AFR50 AEROFIX Non-Woven Fixation Tape 5 cm x 10 m 1
ABD10 AEROBURN Burn Gel Dressing 10 cm x 10 cm 1
AA25 AEROAID Antiseptic Cream 25 gm 2
AW1000 AEROWASH Eye Wash Ampoule 15 mL 20
AW7100 AEROWIPE Alcohol Swab 3 cm x 3 cm 0
AWP16100 AEROWIPE Povidone Iodine Swab 3 cm x 6 cm 10
VER020 AEROWIPE Disposable Towelette 35 cm x 30 cm 4
AFS001 AEROSHIELD CPR Face Shield Disposable 1
AGNPF02 AEROGLOVE Nitrile Examination Gloves Pair 5
AM01 AEROMASK CPR Mask In Hard Cover 0
AII2500 AEROCOOL Instant Ice Pack 80 g 1
ATB130 AERORESCUE Thermal Emergency Blanket 140 cm x 210 cm 1
AR1018F AEROSPLINT Foam Splint Folded Aluminium 90 cm x 11 cm 1
ASN096P AEROSUPPLIES Notebook & Pen 1
RI001 AEROSUPPLIES Register of Injuries Duplicate Pad 25 Pages 1
AAB100 AEROSUPPLIES Amputated Parts Bag Assorted Sizes 3
RES230330 AEROSUPPLIES Clear Resealable Bag 23 cm x 33 cm 2
ASC13 AEROINSTRUMENT Scissors 13 cm 0
USP19 AEROINSTRUMENT Universal Shears 19 cm 1
AF13 AEROINSTRUMENT Forceps 13 cm 1
CH2871 AEROINSTRUMENT Scalpel Blade & Handle Disposable 2
ASP100 AEROPROBE Splinter Probes Single Use 5
ASP12 AEROSUPPLIES Safety Pins Medium 12
CWD001 AEROGUIDE CPR Flow Chart Card 1
AGB001 AEROGUIDE First Aid Booklet 1

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